
Silver Plan Details

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What You Get With This Silver Plan:

Everything included in the Bronze Plan+


Our stock photos are generic, and they may or may not match your industry. A excellent visual aid to persuade your consumers to read more is having imagery that corresponds to your industry and services.

Generic Terms & Conditions

Using our generic copy, we'll create a new website for the Terms and Conditions. You'll have coverage for copyright concerns, liability, state and federal legislation, and other things if you use the right terms and conditions.

Generic Privacy Policy

Using our generic copy, we'll develop a new website for the privacy policy. Your website visitors' expectations are set by security policies. By informing website users what data you are collecting, why it is being collected, and how it will be used, it fosters trust. In the United States, it is also a law. In addition, Europe and America!

Bulleted List

As needed, we'll format your bulleted lists. Custom code might be required for certain styles. When you're building a website, even the tiniest details matter! Your bulleted lists may be defined by a checkmark, plus sign, bullet, or arrow, which will help you highlight what you are discussing!


On your website, we'll set up a chatbot. Your entry point to ongoing contact with prospective customers is a chatbot. With the chatbot feature, you may build automated responses and redirect users to other pages. You may program this to assist and screen out inquiries while you're away from the website or 24 hours a day!

How It Works:

Initiation Process

Once you've purchased this service, you'll get an email. Please send all of the resources you'll need to begin your venture to the email address provided. To make sure we have all the details for your project, your project manager will contact you.

Development Execution Process

Our development team will analyze all the material and requirements provided to make all the updates to your website template as requested. If needed, we will provide suggestions on ways to property update your website.

Revision Process

You'll be allowed one free edit round. In order to make any modifications you might need, your project manager will provide a change log.

Project Approval and Closure Process

You'll need to sign the project signoff sheet and forward it to your project manager after you've authorized the update to your website.

Reach the desired audience

Our SEO process

When we begin any SEO efforts for a client, we always follow the same 10 step process. By taking the time to get to know you and your business, we will understand exactly how to help you. Our process was designed to get an understanding of your audience, business model and goals to develop a customized strategy geared towards your goals. Take a look below at our process and how we can help you.

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Need to improve the look of your products or your business?