
Gold Plan Details

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What You Get With This SEO Gold Plan:

Everything included in the Silver Plan & Bronze Plan+


Advanced CSS

With advanced CSS, your website has a more robust and user-friendly feel. It allows for seamless flow throughout the website and is used to develop the style and personality you're looking for. To make your website as customizable to your preferences as possible, you may add features such as music, galleries, and so on (as seen on the side).


Let our copywriting crew generate interesting, engaging, and purposeful material that piques the interest of your readers! Use your copywriters' expertise and experience to generate high-quality material that is relevant to your mission and company!

Contact Form

For a funnel, what is the most essential factor? Grabbing your client's data before they leave! You want them to continue on from the landing page to the following phases, so you'll use a custom contact form to gather all of the data needed. We'll create a custom contact form that you can use to connect to the right CTAs!


Do you have a hard time scheduling appointments? We'll create a calendar for you, so that callers and clients may schedule meetings around your preferences! Fill in the blanks and blackout the dates and times you don't have! Connecting with clients has never been easier or more efficient thanks to our calendar feature!

Email Triggers

We'll set up an email trigger that delivers a message with important information and establishes a relationship outside of the funnel when a user follows a specific CTA or completes a form! Another way to establish a connection is by letting them know how valuable and significant they are to you!


Do you provide a product or service that is available to buy right now? Allow customers to buy right at the point of contact! You may promote a unique workshop or sell tickets to a forthcoming speaking engagement! We'll set it all up for you, and all you have to do is tell us what you sell!


Your funnel can be more engaging and lifelike with our animation expertise. Your site can transition from static to spectacular with the help of basic 2D graphic animations, demonstrating that you are a current, technology-oriented business prepared to assist your clients in any sector that you serve.


You may use customer testimonials to advertise your company! Testimonials are real customer words that express gratitude. Testimonials establish trust between you and prospective customers, as well as displaying your work and a job well done!


Want to add widgets such as a calendar, countdown clock, social media newsfeeds, numbers, and other features to your website? We've got you covered! We can assist you in making your website an extension of your vision, mission, values, and services by providing whatever widgets you'd like to use.

Photo Gallery

With our photo gallery integration, you can bring your items, services, before and after photos, events, and anything else right to your page! Capturing a potential client's attention requires that you visually represent your work. Don't just tell them what you can do; show them!

How It Works:

Initiation Process

Once you've purchased this service, you'll get an email. Please send all of the resources you'll need to begin your venture to the email address provided. To make sure we have all the details for your project, your project manager will contact you.

Development Execution Process

Our development team will analyze all the material and requirements provided to make all the updates to your website template as requested. If needed, we will provide suggestions on ways to property update your website.

Revision Process

You'll be allowed one free edit round. In order to make any modifications you might need, your project manager will provide a change log.

Project Approval and Closure Process

You'll need to sign the project signoff sheet and forward it to your project manager after you've authorized the update to your website.

Reach the desired audience

Our SEO process

When we begin any SEO efforts for a client, we always follow the same 10 step process. By taking the time to get to know you and your business, we will understand exactly how to help you. Our process was designed to get an understanding of your audience, business model and goals to develop a customized strategy geared towards your goals. Take a look below at our process and how we can help you.

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Need to improve the look of your products or your business?